Art Deco Pictorial Yarkand Prestige Rug

Circa 1920
East Turkestan
331 cm x 164
10'10" x 5'4"

This Art Deco pictorial Yarkand rug was woven during the Art Deco period; rugs of this type were commissioned by the nobility and the high-ranking officers inhabiting the Tarim Basin in eastern Turkestan, which is the heartland of the oasis of Khotan, Yarkand and Kashgar. The rugs of these oases have a long-standing tradition and have been collected and cherished in the West with the traditional, old-fashioned term of Samarkand. Here, we see a pattern depicting antique Chinese flowering vases, symbols of wealth and culture. The rich palette is typical of the period. Rugs such as this one were often used on the wall as tapestries as these were considered objects of great prestige.

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