The story of Alberto Levi’s family business begins in the second half of the nineteenth century. His paternal grandfather, Ghassem Levi, expanded his family business by leaving his home city of Mashad for Marv, in Turkmenistan, where he had quickly established himself for trading rugs and textiles with the local Turkmen tribes.
He would then export these goods along the Silk Road to his family and business contacts stationed in India and London. Alberto’s father, Soleiman, followed Ghassem’s footsteps with his adventurous beginnings in Bombay, where he became a rug supplier to the British officers, enabling him to move on to London. From there life took him on a quick stop in Zurich and, finally, establishing himself in Milano.
In 1949, he opened his wholesale business, importing antique oriental rugs and textiles from all over the world. Working with his father was a unique opportunity for Alberto to learn everything about the trade. In 1997 he felt ready to venture out and open his own gallery just around the corner from his father's warehouse, in via San Maurilio in the heart of Milan's old city.