Antique Zakatala Rug

Circa 1890
Northern Caucasus
205 cm x 142 cm
6'8" x 4'7"

The group of carpets known as Zakatala has been known to us only in recent times. The fall of the Soviet empire has meant an opening of frontiers that facilitated the appearance in the West of previously unknown types, which until then were passed directly from mother to daughter to include in her dowry. As such they were often never used as floor coverings, rather they were hung on the walls by successive generations in order to preserve them from wear. Distinguished by its large format, the design on this outstanding example is free to open up somewhat. Parallel rows of flattened ‘Memling’ guls are framed by a borders with patterns than differ between the horizontal and the vertical. The outstanding wool quality, together with the rich and varied palette, make this rug a best of type for this increasingly popular group.

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